Monday, June 18, 2007


Finally, something with something that almost resembles a beat. This one consists of three passes: a drum pass, a pass of a bass sound through a glorpy sample hold filter, and a shimmery bubble-filter pass.

Link to file


Doktor Future said...

I love your site. Love your stuff.

Keep it up!

boink bloop!

cbm said...

Thanks, Dok.

Sometimes I think I'm putting these things up only for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

The good dok f's not the only one listening!

BTW, what is a 'glorpy sample-hold filter'?

cbm said...

Well, the base sound of the bass sound is a sort of fuzzy plunk, but I also fed the waveform generator, before it hit the low pass gate, into the triple morphing filter. This was set to pretty high resonance, and very low morph values, so that it steps sort of like a sample and hold driving a filter. I also had a little filter modulation from a smooth random source. You know... glorpy :-)

This glorpy sound went into a second LPG with different envelope settings. I wish that I had recorded these two parts of the bass sound on different tracks, so I could tweak the balance, but...

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! I like this one. Also shows that the 200e can play a cohesive melody. How did you synthesize the percussion on this one?

cbm said...

Thanks, although I don't know about that whole "cohesive" thing :-)

The percussion on this one is generated using the 261e waveform generator. I have three 261s, so it should come as no surprise that there are three percussion voices used, all with the same routing. In my sequencer the tracks are labeled Kick, Snare-ish, and Annoying. The routing is 261e going into a Low Pass Gate set to filter, then into a second LPG set to gate. Using two LPG sections in series allows for better control of harmonics vs. amplitude. Really short envelopes were used. I also used a little noise as an FM source to the 261e.

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris,

Another loyal listener here! Please keep posting your stuff. I have a 'Chris Muir' folder on my iPod reserved for your experiments, they get lots of playtime. : )

It's obvious that you are really getting to know your instrument. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work.

cbm said...

Thanks, Joxer.

I'm glad that people are enjoying this stuff. I think that people who get off on this sort of electronic racket are few and far between, and it would be hard to reach them without an online community.

Thank Grid for the internet.
