Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Done on my current three waveform generator system.

Link to file


This one is done on my older, two waveform generator configuration.

Link to file


Another one that is on on the too long side, but has a couple of nice moods, I think. Done on my older, two waveform generator configuration.

Link to file


Yet Another Drone. Switching between three presets, for fun and profit. Well, fun anyway. Done on my older, two waveform generator configuration.

Link to file

Monday, April 16, 2007


The titular gong (which isn't really all that gong-like, I suppose) is mostly the 291e Triple morphing Filter with the modulation oscillators of my 261e Waveform Generators feeding it. The rhythmic clicks and bumps are the principal oscillators of the 261e's.

Link to file